Thursday 26 December 2013

Sirius: 1 year retrospective

1 year ago I've started working on the Sirius project. 6 month ago there was the first retrospective where I summarized all achievements and future goals. Generally last 6 years were not the most productive. Nevertheless, there were some achievements even there. So, in this topic I'll summarize again where we are with the Sirius now.

What was done

  • Win32 extended support was added - before I mentioned that Win32 support had already been added, however it's not completely correct. There were problems with extended controls (like tab controls, list boxes) which are resolved now
  • Basis for .NET controls support was added - I had to make UI Automation wrapper for the Sirius libraries to cover Win32 functionality. This library is already there. So, it can be used to cover WinForms and WPF controls quite smoothly
  • Test tracking was integrated into GitHub and it's automatically integrated with the build process - now build process uses GitHub to get the information about tests, so we can make updates to verifications just by changing appropriate issues
  • Documentation was extended - a lot attention was paid to the documentation. So, now GitHub page contains separate project site where a lot of examples are added

What wasn't done

  • Still only 3 programming languages are covered - that's still the problem as it still requires duplicating efforts on client API development
  • Platform coverage was expanded very slow. - as I mentioned before, last 6 months were not so productive as before but yet, it's not so still
  • Existing functional coverage is still not good enough - this is mostly due to necessity to make duplicating development work for different clients written on different programming languages.

What's needed to be done

  • Extend functional coverage of existing modules
  • Extend coverage to the .NET (WinForms, WPF) areas as the basis is already created
  • Extend programming language coverage
  • Add ability to call the client API from Excel


Well, I could expect much better results. However, there're a lot of fundamental things to do there as well as a lot of such basis work has been done already (which took most of the time). Nevertheless, the project is evolving, growing. So, there're expectations for better growth in the upcoming 6 months.

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