Tuesday 26 May 2015

Cucumber JVM + JUnit: Re-run failed tests

Cucumber JVM + JUnit: Re-run failed tests

Automated tests should run reliably and provide predictable results. At the same time there are some spontaneous temporary errors which distort the entire picture while reviewing test results. And it's really annoying when tests fail on some temporary problem and mainly pass on next run. Of course, one thing is when we forgot to add some waiting time out to wait for element to appear before interacting with it. But there are cases when the reason of such temporary problem lays beyond automated tests implementation but mainly related to environment which may cause some delays of downtime for short time. So, normal reaction on that is to re-run failed tests and confirm functionality is fine. But this is too routine task and it doesn't really require some intellectual work to perform. It's simply additional logic which handles test result state and triggers repetitive run in case of error. If test fails permanently we'll still see the error but if test passes after that then the problem doesn't require too much attention.

And generally, if you simply stepped out it's not the reason to fail.

This problem is not new and it's been resolved already for many particular cases. E.g. here is the JUnit solution example. In this post I'll show you how to perform the same re-run for Cucumber-JVM in combination with JUnit as I'm actively using this combination of engines and it is quite popular. The solution shown in previous link doesn't really fit the Cucumber as each specific JUnit test in Cucumber-JVM corresponds to some specific step rather than entire scenario. Thus, the re-run functionality for this combination of engines looks a bit different. So, let's see how we can re-run our Cucumber tests in JUnit.

Monday 11 May 2015

The Future of Test Automation Frameworks

The Future of Test Automation Frameworks

It's always interesting to know the future to be able to react on that properly. It's especially true for the world of technology when every time we get something new, when something which was just a subject of science fiction yesterday becomes observable reality nowadays. Automated testing is not an exception here. We should be able to catch proper trend and to be prepared for that. Actually, our professional growth depends on that. Should we stick to the technologies we use at the moment of should we dig more into some areas which aren't well-developed at the moment but still have big potential? In order to find an answer to that question we need to understand how test automation was evolving, what promising areas are. Based on that we can identify what should we expect next.

So, let's observe test automation frameworks evolution to see how it evolves and where we can grow to.

Wednesday 6 May 2015

Ploblem Solved: Cucumber-JVM running actions before and after tests execution with JUnit

Ploblem Solved: Cucumber-JVM running actions before and after tests execution with JUnit


It is frequent case when we need to do some actions before and/or after entire test suite execution. Mainly, such actions are needed for global initialization/cleanup or some additional reporting or any other kind of pre/post-processing. There may be many different reasons for that and some test engines provide such ability, e.g. TestNG has BeforeSuite and AfterSuite annotations, the JUnit has test fixtures which may run before/after test class (it's not really the same but when we use Cucumber-JVM it's very close to what we need).


The problem appears when you want to add some actions at the very latest or very earlies stages of tests execution and you use Cucumber-JVM with JUnit. In my case I wanted to add some reports post-processing to make an advanced Cucumber report generation. In this case JUnit fixtures didn't help as AfterClass-annotated method runs before Cucumber generates final reports.

At the same time adding @BeforeAll and @AfterAll hooks question raised on Cucumber side as well. And there was even some solution proposed. Unfortunately, authors decided to revert those changes as there were some cases when it does not work.

So, the problem is that I need something to run after entire Cucumber-JVM suite is done but neither Cucumber nor JUnit gives me built-in capability for doing this.


Sunday 3 May 2015

Cucumber JVM: Advanced Reporting

Cucumber JVM: Advanced Reporting

Advanced Cucumber Reporting Introduction

The Cucumber JVM contains some set of predefined reports available as the plugin option. By default we have some raw reports. Some of them are ready to be provided for end users (e.g. HTML report) while others still require some post-processing like JSON reports (both for usage and results reports). Also, available standard HTML report isn't really good enough. It's good for analysis (partially) but if we want to provide some kind of overview information we don't need so much details as well as we may need some more visualized statistics rather than just one simple table.

Well, there are some already existing solutions for such advanced reporting, e.g. Cucumber Reports by masterthought.net. That's really nice results reporting solution for Cucumber JVM. But when I tried to apply this solution I encountered several problems with Maven dependencies resolution and report processing. That became a reason for me to look at something custom as I couldn't smoothly integrate this reporting to my testing solution. Additionally, it covers only results reporting while I'm also interested in steps usage statistic information to make sure that we use our Cucumber steps effectively. And apparently I didn't find reporting solution covering this area in appropriate way for Cucumber JVM.

Being honest, I'm not really big fan of writing custom reporting solution at all as for test automation engineers existing information is more than enough in most of the cases. But if you need to provide something more specific and preferably in e-mailable form to send to other members of project team we need something else. That's why I created some components which generate some Cucumber reports like results and usage reports (see sample screen shots below).

The above samples show e-mailable reports which mainly provide results overview information which can be sent via e-mail as well as additional HTML report summarizing usage statistics. In this post I'll describe my reporting solution with some examples and some detailed explanations.