Wednesday 30 January 2013

Sirius (Java): writing Win32 client library + Live Demo

Recently I described the creation of Win32 server part and at the end I wrote the function which finds the main window by specified attributes and gets the handle for it. This is quite fundamental thing as once we have a handle of the window we can send any messages to it simulating various GUI interaction actions. At the same time the server side library contains only set of functions as Win32 API is all about the set of functions. But it's too raw for writing tests. It's much more convenient to apply some object model to the window objects. So, it requires some effort on the client side. In this article I'll describe the process of Win32 client API creation. I'll create classes interacting with top level windows and create some sample test to demonstrate how that functionality works.

The final output will contain the functionality interacting with top level Win32 windows as well as some demo showing how to work with it.

Thursday 17 January 2013

Java JNA Win32: when default libraries are not enough

I've been working on implementing Win32 interaction functionality using JNA library and encountered the situation when the library became incomplete. The methods of com.sun.jna.platform.win32.User32 interface which is supplied by the platform library contained only subset of the entire functions of user32.dll library. Actually, I've found that while trying to call GetMenu function. It appeared that there's no such function in the Java class supplied with the JNA library. What to do with that? How to make a Java call for functions from existing DLL?

Sunday 13 January 2013

Sirius: modularize the solution

In the previous post I've added another module to support Win32 operations. Actually, there should be a lot of modules to be added. But I put it directly into the Server module. The more components we cover the more modules I have to include. Thus the server code as well as clients become heavy-weight and entire solution becomes huge. But firstly, it breaks one of the ideas of the Sirius platform. It should have an extensible engine which can plug in the modules on fly. Also, it should be adopted to different operating systems (that's why I chose Java as the main language) but what should the Win32 module do, for instance, on Unix? Nothing. So, in such case I don't need to include it. Or even more, I want to make different complectations for Server side depending on what I actually want to use. For this purpose I have to split our components into functional modules and provide the ability to configure what modules I should include. Also, I would be useful to provide the ability to deliver either entire solution or some parts of it. In this post I'll describe the steps for doing this.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Sirius: core Win32 functionality support

Once we've done with infrastructure it's time to work on development itself. Now I'll start working on the functionality performing interaction with Win32 objects. In this article I'll describe basic preparations for Win32 interactions as well as I'll describe the core functionality to capture the window on screen and perform some manipulations with it. And of course this activity is done in the scope of Sirius development. So, it would be bound to the entire architecture of the platform.

Wednesday 2 January 2013

Sirius: Testing setup

Since Sirius is going to be used for testing purposes it's not polite to leave it without testing. Major specifics of this solution is that different parts of entire system are written using different programming languages. At the same time all those parts reflect the same functionality. It means that the tests would be the same for all clients. Well, they would be the same for server part as well (at least most of the core tests). It's not very nice to copy/paste them and then migrate to different languages. So, obviously there's going to be a lot of duplicating work. So, I have to do something to minimize that duplication as well as minimize the maintenance effort in case I want to change some tests. It's valid especially for client side as core part doesn't have any local specific logic. All immediate client methods are actually callers for the same server side methods.

So, there's going to be multiple languages but the same interface for tests. It's not trivial solution but I found that.